Infrastructure Management

In Brussels and Luxemboug the management of infrastructure is provided by dedicated entities (OIB and OIL, respectively "Office Infrastructure Bruxelles" and "Office Infrastructure Luxembourg").
Ispra, as the third largest Commission site, should be no different from Brussels and Luxembourg.

Moving the management of non-nuclear infrastructure from the JRC to an Office (such as, for instance, OII or Office Infrastructure Ispra) would bring several advantages:

  • Alignment to Commission practices
  • Differently from the Commission, all contract agents working in an Office get an open-ended contract rather than one limited to 6 years non-renewable
  • Move of support and logistics staff from the JRC staff table to an Office by keeping the same overall staffing level 

Towards an Office for Infrastructure: How?
We propose to merge the JRC Department "JRC.R.I" together with "OIB Ispra" (already in charge of the management of Ispra-based social services), hence forming a unique "Office for Infrastructure at Ispra", either as OII (Office for Infrastructure Ispra), OIJ (Office for Infrastructure at the JRC), or as part of OIB, making EUCAMPUS Ispra structured and functioning as the other major Commission locations.

Last but not least, a neutral management of the site infrastructure would guarantee standardised and reliable services to any Directorate General or other entity that may be willing to host (part of) its staff at EUCAMPUS Ispra in the future.