anotheR&Dimension: from "JRC Ispra" to "EUCAMPUS Ispra"

Travel to other dimensions is usually via some sort of door, vortex, portal. Here is how JRC Ispra could be teleported to its next dimension: EUCAMPUS Ispra

  • 1. SEEDING

    Explain our vision and receive support from staff, Commission and National Authorities

  • 2. SHAPING

    Develop a new strategy for the JRC infrastructure creating a dedicated Office for Infrastructure Ispra (OII)

  • 3. LINKING

    Stronger cross fertilisation with other DGs by encouraging integrated teams based in Ispra, leveraging hybrid working

  • 4. GROWING

    Open "EUCampus Ispra" to hosting colleagues of newly created or existing DGs and entities

    Our vision for the future: EUCampus Ispra

    Ispra "heart of EU", JRC "heart of Ispra". A long-term vision to guarantee growth and new opportunities

    Meet the anotheR&Dimension Team

    Experience, Professionalism, Passion. At the service of ALL staff!

    Discover more about our team composition

    Get in Touch

    Feel free to contact us! By e-mail, by phone or in person, we'll be happy to answer your questions

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